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Friday, 8 August 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy: Everyday Cosplay (Men&Women!)

After what seems like 5 million years we've finally got Guardians of the Galaxy on the big screen. All over the world we'll get to see our favourite Marvel Universe completely expand past Asgard. I for one am super excited to see it. I know a lot of people are unsure about how such strange 'animated' characters can take part in such a blockbuster film. 
I think if you are a comic book reader before-hand it really helps. We already have a knowledge and acceptence that weirdness is at the heart of Marvel. You could even say it thrives on the obscure.  That said, I still think it might take time for our eyes to adjust to watching trees and raccoons becoming famous Marvel superheros. Espeically if we get to see them interacting with our preexisting favourites; Iron Man, Thor etc. 
Who says that those of a nerdy mind can't have great fashion sense. You might not be able to cosplay everyday but you can dress with your favourites ass-kicking characters in mind. 
I've created a few everyday cosplay posts before, this time I've included a few peices of mens wear. Please enjoy and let me know what you think! What were your thoughts on GOTG? Or are you going to give it a miss altogether?
Top - SheInside - £8.09 (Sale)
Trousers - H&M - £9.99
Boots - H&M - £29.99
Earrings - Newlook - £2.99

Trousers - Newlook - £14.99
Top - Topshop - £12.00
Jacket - Sheinside - £23.56
Boots - H&M - £59.99

Top - Newlook - £9.99
Trousers - H&M - £14.99
Shoes - Ebay - £10.99
Cardigan - Ebay - £4.29
Brooch - Etsy - £4.86

Jumpsuit - Topshop - £32.00
 Shoes - Newlook - £25.00
Kimono - Newlook - £24.99
Hair Slide - Etsy - £17.07

Top - Topshop - £22.00
Skirt - H&M - £24.99
Shoes - Topshop - £25.00
Necklace - Ebay - £3.33
Lipstick - Superdrug - £3.99

Trousers - Topman - £18.00
Top - Newlook - £9.99
Shoes - Newlook - £24.99
Scarf - H&M - £6.99

Trousers - H&M - £14.99
Top - H&M - £12.99
Jacket - ASOS - £70.00 
Shoes - Newlook - £7.00

Top - H&M - £4.99
Trousers - Ebay - £8.99
Cardigan - H&M - £7.00
Shoes - Newlook - £24.99

I'm going to end this post with asking for your compassion. I'm raising funds and awareness for Raleigh International. Who are a leading charity in sustainable development in water sanitation. Please visit my Just Giving page and donate whatever you can. (£1/$1 +)
Everything seriously does help. If you are in the UK then you can:

TEXT: KICS66 £1 / £3 / £5 to 70070 (It's super easy!)

Feel free to share the donation infomation on your page! If you want free advertisement for a donation please contact me. ( I hope you have a lovely day, and as always I'll see you next time. 
